One Good Thing

smiling's my favourite

OK, so it’s December. Christmas is coming. But as much as there is to love about this time of year (mince pies, tinsel, Elf), it can be tinged with a sadness as we think of those who won’t be here with us.

How do we carry on and celebrate without feeling guilty? How can we still come together as a family? How can we get through to the other side?

Maybe do something good, in memory of someone you love.

Any ideas?

Let’s have them. Be creative. Be wild. Be quirky.

I’ll be asking my kids to choose their favourite idea. The winner – if ‘winner’ is the appropriate word here – will get a copy of This Holey Life. (Yes, ‘Holey’ with an ‘e’ as life is full of holes. It is how we plug those holes that keeps the rain out.)

And we’ll take it from there…

8 thoughts on “One Good Thing

  1. when we were kids we would do the letter to santa bit including launching it up the chimney why not do a twist on that theme and write a poem together for your missing loved one then write it on one of those chinese paper lanterns and let it fly to the heavens on christmas eve

  2. I have written a post about Death. I believe that grief is the toughest emotion to deal with but it is still negative energy and we simply should not carry it around with us. We should instead remember those we have loved and lost with joy. We should celebrate them. We should remember all the reasons why we loved them so much. How we laughed with them. Their hugs. Their smiles. Because that is what matters. And if we think about them like this, there they will be, even if we can no longer physically see them.

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